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Cooking @ Millie's


340 W. Chestnut St.
Louisville, KY 40202

Phone: (502) 882-0303

Cooking @ Millie's


We love Louisville and its culinary options. But when we went looking for a way to join in the fun through exciting and engaging cooking classes, we found limited options. We knew immediately we had to change that.

We wanted our guests to feel comfortable enough to let go, have fun and learn skills they could use later, so we set out to design a space that mirrored a home kitchen. Then we brought in talented chefs from your favorite restaurants around the city to show you how to make the dishes you love. It’s an interactive experience unlike any other, and we’re excited to embark on our mission to bring the love of cooking to people in Louisville, Kentucky
It’s an interactive experience unlike any other, and we’re excited to embark on our mission to bring the love of cooking to people in Louisville, Kentucky.

Our desire to share our love of cooking started way back when with Grandmother Millie, who always made frozen custard the day after Christmas at the family gathering each year. That famous custard took days of preparation and was one of the highlights of the Christmas season. And every year, everyone would stand in line and wait for it. While her cherished recipe is one that stays only in our family, her passion for cooking is something we love to pass on.