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February 22nd

Artist Talk with Gee Horton

  • Admission: Free
  • Location: KMAC Contemporary Art Museum
  • 715 West Main Street
  • Louisville, Kentucky 40202
  • Time:
    2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
  • Contact: Jasmine Groves
  • Email: info@kmacmuseum.org
  • Phone: (502) 589-0102

Artist Talk with Gee Horton

Join KMAC and artist Gee Horton for an Artist Talk on Saturday, February 22nd at 2pm. Gee will be discussing his work in "Chapter 3, Be Home Before the Streetlights", as well as work from Chapters 1 and 2, presented in Cincinnati. This event is free and open to the public.

Centering on moments from his past alongside present-day scenes inspired by his family in Louisville, Gee Horton’s images, while deeply personal to his own experiences, also embody a universal quest for grace, rehabilitation, peace, and reconciliation. "Chapter 3" combines work from the past five years in photography, video, charcoal, graphite, and collage, with found objects and installations using materials from his family archives. Together, his work details his reflections on Black masculinity, generational memory, and his own reveries over childhood and youth.


KMAC Contemporary Art Museum

KMAC Museum is a contemporary art museum in downtown Louisville on Museum Row. Our regularly...