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May 12th

Celebrate The Nation's Guest - The Marquis de Lafayette's return to Louisville & Jeffersonville

  • Admission: FREE
  • Location: Big Four Waterfront Park
  • 1101 E River Rd
  • Louisville, Kentucky 40206
  • Time:
    10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Contact: Bonny Wise
  • Email: wises496@gmail.com
  • Phone: (502) 554-5504

Celebrate The Nation's Guest - The Marquis de Lafayette's return to Louisville & Jeffersonville

Gather at the Big Four Waterfront Park to welcome Lafayette escorted by the the Old Guard Army Fife and Drum Corps. Listen to the US & French National anthems. Further welcomed by historic reenactors of Governor Desha, and Col. Richard Anderson. Listen to Lafayette speak!


Waterfront Park

The Waterfront isn't just a place, it's an experience. An experience that's different for everyone....