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March 22nd

Nature (+) Gelli Plate Printmaking

  • Admission: Bernheim members: $45; Non-members: $55
  • Location: Garden Pavilion
  • 2075 Clermont Rd, Hwy 245
  • Clermont, Kentucky 40110
  • Time:
    1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
  • Contact: Event Contact
  • Email: nature@bernheim.org
  • Phone: (502) 955-8512

Nature (+) Gelli Plate Printmaking

Delve into the world of Gelli plate printmaking, using nature’s textures and patterns to create unique, one-of-a-kind artworks. Discover the magic of using gelli plates to capture the intricate details and textures of leaves, flowers, and other natural materials, experiment with layering and blending colors to achieve unique, dreamlike effects, and explore various techniques for applying and removing ink, paint, and other materials to create intricate designs. Take home your finished piece, a stunning print that showcases your creativity and connection with nature.