Saving America's Largest Salamander - The Hellbender : Official Travel Source

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January 18th

Saving America's Largest Salamander - The Hellbender

  • Admission: Free program
  • Location: Falls of the Ohio State Park and Foundation
  • 201 W. Riverside Dr.
  • Clarksville, Indiana 47129
  • Time:
    1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
  • Contact: Alan Goldstein
  • Email:
  • Phone: (812) 280-9970

Saving America's Largest Salamander - The Hellbender

Indiana is home to America’s largest salamander, called the Hellbender. It is only found in one Indiana river – the Blue River in Harrison County. Come and learn about this fantastic aquatic animal, what makes it unique, and what you can do to keep its habitat clean. This hands-on program will cover its adaptations, how water pollution affects it, and how amphibians have changed over geological time using a life-size model of Ichthyostega, the oldest amphibian in the fossil record. Program free.


Falls of the Ohio State Park and Foundation

The Falls of the Ohio Interpretive Center & General George Rogers Clark Home Site highlight the...