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April 30th

Shepherd Insurance Great Steamboat Race

  • Location: Kentucky Derby Festival
  • Waterfront Park/Along the Ohio River Shoreline
  • Louisville, Kentucky 40202
  • Time:
    4:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Shepherd Insurance Great Steamboat Race

As one of the original and longest-standing traditions of the Kentucky Derby Festival, the Great Steamboat Race has been taking place on the Ohio River since 1963. Ask any local, and this event has become a Louisville tradition in the lead-up to Derby weekend!

The event pits vessels against each other, including the Belle of Cincinnati, as they compete for bragging rights in this race on the river!

The Belle of Cincinnati was declared the winner in 2024. Come see if our beloved local steamboat reigns supreme and takes back the coveted Silver Antlers in 2025.

The race lasts about two hours and finishes back at the Wharf. Following the race, the victor is awarded a pair of Silver Antlers during an Awards Ceremony on the Belle of Louisville.

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM: Boarding
5:45 PM: Departure
6:00 PM: Race Begins

Belle of Louisville Tickets: $200 (includes cruise on the Ohio River, dinner, beverages, open bar and live entertainment) (limited availability). 

Belle of Cincinnati Tickets: $85 Cruise Only; $130 Dinner and Cruise. For Belle of Cincinnati tickets, call 800-261-8586 or visit BBRiverboats.com.


Kentucky Derby Festival

The Kentucky Derby Festival consists of over 70 special events in the two weeks preceding the...