Valentine's Candlelit Hike : Official Travel Source

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February 13th
recurring event

Valentine's Candlelit Hike

  • Admission: $22/$30
  • Location: Louisville Nature Center
  • 3745 Illinois Avenue
  • Louisville, Kentucky 40213
  • Time:
    6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Valentine's Candlelit Hike

Let candles light your way as you stroll underneath the stars this Galentine’s and Valentine’s Day.

Hike at your leisure, either on the candlelit short trail (about 3/4 mile), or the unlit longer trail (1 3/4 mile). Warm up around the fire afterward, or head indoors, where you can visit our reptiles and enjoy snacks and drinks. Participants must be 18 and over.

Upcoming Dates For This Event:

  • Friday, February 14
  • Saturday, February 15

Louisville Nature Center

The Louisville Nature Center is located in the center of Louisville and adjacent to the Beargrass...