Louisville is home to GIGANTIC Spring Break Fun

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (March 21, 2019) – Louisville was recently named one of the top “One Week Vacation Destinations You Need to Visit” this year, according to Expedia. And just in time for Spring Break, the city is packed with fun for your school’s-out getaway.
In addition to family-friendly attractions like the Louisville Zoo, Kentucky Science Center and the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory, here are a few must-see activities to mark on your calendar:
Fe Fi Fo Fum – Gigantic excitement awaits visitors to Bernheim. To celebrate the arboretum and research forest’s 90th anniversary, a new exhibit, “Forest Giants in a Giant Forest,” has opened. Internationally renowned Danish artist Thomas Dambo created a family of Forest Giants made from recycled and repurposed materials, including fallen trees, Bourbon barrel staves and scrap from the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory. Bernheim.org.
Country superstar Kenny Chesney is making Louisville the first stop on his “Songs for the Saints” tour on April 4 at the KFC Yum! Center. KFCYumCenter.com.
In honor of the Louisville Zoo’s 50th anniversary in 2019, two new interactive exhibits have opened: Colobus Crossing features colobus monkeys and Schmidt’s red-tailed monkeys, which are native to Kenya. Visitors can watch the monkeys, who spend their entire lives in trees and rarely touch the ground, as they traverse the colobridges. The expansion of the Zoo’s Snow Leopard Pass exhibit provides intimate views of the leopards, which includes a new passageway that allows the leopards to walk above visitors’ heads. LouisvilleZoo.org.
The Kentucky Science Center recently opened two new exhibits just in time for Spring Break: The MakerPlace (inspired by a lifelong passion for creating, the maker movement encourages questions, problem solving and the chance to try new things). Who Forted? – Test your skills at building the largest, most creative couch fort. KyScienceCenter.org.
If you’re looking for a little adult-friendly Spring Break fun, Mint Julep Month will be underway in Louisville the entire month of April. Several of the 44 stops on Louisville’s Urban Bourbon Trail® will offer Mint Julep drink specials to celebrate the “Official Cocktail of the Kentucky Derby.” GoToLouisville.com/MintJulepMonth.